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if you want to become a member of the International Committee,
or simply for partnerships, link and know-how exchanges, events and sponsorships.
Pantnerships and know-how exchange:
More than 25 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.
Mental illness united world. A transnational community of patients supporting PTSD, OCD, Panic Disorder, Anxiety and Depression.
dr. Valentina Sarchi, working as psychotherapist,
specialized in support psychotherapy, integrated psychotherapy and community psychotherapy.
A transnational network for the promotion of culture and knowledge transmission,
and development of the human being and the society together.
“The beauty of a man fades not for losing hairs, but for losing ideas.”
“I feel that many people, that have been suffering.. They did not act as if nothing has happened,
They took care of their pain and all meanings inside,
They are reviving now, bringing to the world the beauty of their diamond.” (from: The care of Men)