<< chapter 5

The next day newspapers and broadcasts were talking about a viral epidemic, hormone danger, among the people spread the voice that groups of men and women had had consensual sexual relations. It had also spread the voice that a boy had gone over the wall knowing friendly people.

The apparently solid and rigid hierarchical structure begins to crumble when after a few more days as more and more men and women abandoned their watertight compartments and places in order to try the freedom, and many of them wanted to leave the walls to go into the forest.

The wilderness was there waiting for them and inside the wood wild men and women accepted them as they had accepted Zed simply by showing them how to live together loving each other and respecting nature.

Weeks passed by.. then months. The walls fell eaten by picks and lichens.. the new cities became humus of life, the gender-laws were abolished and the constitution was rewritten recognizing fatherhood as well as motherhood two important and different valors for the human development of men and women.

Men and women now were living under the same roof of stars, in harmony with the primordial forest, a world where the equality of every single life, man and woman, dances in equilibrium with their diversity.

back to chapter 1 >>

the end


freely inspired from all books of Claudio Risè
from the film Zardoz by J.Boorman
and from the book Iron john, by Robert Bly

thanks and greetings:

the Wild Male italian association

the international scene

original soundtrack by:

Fabio "FBY" Barzagli