One Step Ahead Towards Civilization. (fathers kept away from their own children)
In a future that I hope will not be so remote, these years will be remembered for one of the greatest crimes humankind has ever committed unto itself depriving fathers of their own children
Human beings born from one another, full of love and life, are continuously separated and oppressed. Taking a child away from the care of somebody who has fathered, raised and loved him/her is just like chopping his arm or leg off. The resulting pain is excruciatingly unimaginable. A father deprived of his own children cannot even perceive his own pain: he would go crazy if he could.
A father deprived of his own children lives each and every day by trying to remove his own pain, which will soon cause serious health problems. His unconsciousness will be filled with shadows, sorrows and all sorts of ill-feelings. One day or another, these feelings will explode or implode, with all that may ensue.
There are very few severe cases in which suffering cannot be coped with. If your child had been abducted you could have spent your whole life looking for him/her; in this specific case, though, despite you know where he/she is, you just cannot go and rescue him.
Actually, you cannot even forget him, as you cannot forget about what you love, because it is also what keeps you alive and gives you the joy and reason to carry on living.
It is a dead-end street, a dreadful nightmare which has become reality.
Struggling is the only thing that keeps you alive and enables you to avoid thinking about it.
You cannot really think about this feeling of deprivation. It is as if somebody plunged his
hand into your abdomen and tore your bowels off. Here you feel as if they tore everything off
and your body was empty, you feel annihilated, alienated, disintegrated...
then you feel nothing more, you only hear a deafening silence...
I wish everybody with a soul would take even a small step towards civilization and reject and repudiate such horrible violence and torture killing or poisoning millions of people of any age and state who only wished to lead their normal life in peace.